I have a very heavy file of at least 600mb rhino, as a result from baked brep from grasshopper. I’m trying to 3D print the model, which means I need to make it as a polysurface. Since the file is so big and lagging so much, what’s the most efficient way I can do this? The model are all grounded (no flying elements), but there might be a lot of overlapping planar surfaces or faces, basically crashing geometry to each other from the grasshopper iterations. I did boolean union but it didn’t work, and doing join is too long, which in the end still failed. This is what the model looks like. Edit: I know it’s a nightmare to look at, it’s an abstract-form project :')
Breps are polysurfaces. I’d try to export the objects as *.stl and see how it imports in the slicer / 3D print software. I wouldn’t worry about boolean unions. Most printers nowadays can handle overlapping geometries.
I also used deconstruct brep and explode objects, does this mean it’s no longer a polysrf?
Looks like a lot of your objects may be too small to print… I might do a selection by size and eliminate all the small “noise”.
Don’t explode the polysurfaces.
Is this done in rhino or in grasshopper? Since I’ve exported the baked object into a separate rhino file, is it still possible to do this without the original gh components?
Sorry, do you mean that I shouldn’t have used the deconstruct brep and explode objects, or do you mean that using those doesn’t change the fact that they’re still polysurfaces after baking?
Yes. Why would you explode the breps into surfaces for 3D printing?
Oh, I exploded the breps because the original brep are building blocks and I wanted to play around the faced/edges so I can get that exploded form, so it wasn’t for the 3D printing, it was part of the modelling process
You need closed objects for 3D printing.
Okay, I understand now. Thanks for answering!
Either one. You can query the area or volume of the objects - or perhaps the diagonal of their bounding box - and eliminate those below a certain level.