Missing Ironbug.LBHB_legacy

Hi, I am trying to open a Grasshopper file but there is a missing plugin (Ironbug.LBHB_legacy) and the software suggests downloading and installing it. When I do that an error comes(404: No package found by the name of ‘Ironbug.LBHB_Legacy’.) Can you please help me with this problem

Hej -

That means that this plug-in wasn’t made available on the Package Manager by the developer and that you need to download and install it manually from some other place. I’m not sure if the legacy LBHB from Food4Rhino includes Ironbug - @mingo1214 would know.
At any rate, for questions related to the Ladybug Tools, please see https://discourse.ladybug.tools/

Dear Wim, thank you for your answer
Best wishes, Loay

Thanks @wim. Hi @Loay, Ironbug.LBHB_Legacy has been removed from Ironbug and has been included in the last Ladybug Legacy version (2020-01-01).

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Thank you Minglo for your reply, I downloaded the Ladybug Legacy version (2020-01-01) from Food 4 Rhino and copied and past it into Grasshopper/file/special folder/ user object folder, but the problem is the same as shown in the photo below. and when I click on download and install so this sentence appears: (404: No package found by the name of ‘Ironbug.LBHB_Legacy’.). Thank you again for your support. Loay

I am trying to open a Grasshopper file but there is a missing plugin (Ironbug.LBHB_legacy) and the software suggests downloading and installing it (my version is 7). When I do that an error comes.

I was informed later on that Ironbug.LBHB_Legacy has been removed from Ironbug and has been included in the last Ladybug Legacy version (2020-01-01).

I downloaded the Ladybug Legacy version (2020-01-01) from Food 4 Rhino and copied and past it into Grasshopper/file/special folder/ user object folder, but the problem is the same as shown in the photo below. I would be grateful to receive any kind of support for that

Ladybug has a dedicated & active forum you should try.

I am trying to open a Grasshopper file but there is a missing plugin (Ironbug.LBHB_legacy) and the software suggests downloading and installing it (my version is 7). When I do that an error comes.

I was informed later on that Ironbug.LBHB_Legacy has been removed from Ironbug and has been included in the last Ladybug Legacy version (2020-01-01).

I downloaded the Ladybug Legacy version (2020-01-01) from Food 4 Rhino and copied and past it into Grasshopper/file/special folder/ user object folder, but the problem is the same. I would be grateful to receive any kind of support for that

I’ve merged all three of your threads on this topic…
As said before, the correct forum for this question is the LBT forum.