I use Rhino5 when I open and start using grasshopper it gives me
two red rectangle (simple input is missing)(c# scripting for grasshopper missing) please what can I do with this problem
i can’t work even when I start a new document
some components give me ( this component didnt run because it lacked required data one run time warning) please can anyone helps me
Hi - could you post a gh file that does this on your end?
Hello thank you for e-mail. I have problem with grasshopper. Telling me for component this message (this component ran once) like point polar… boundary surface
What I the problem please tell me
في الأربعاء، ٢٢ ابريل، ٢٠٢٠ ٤:٥٩ م Wim Dekeyser via McNeel Forum mcneel@discoursemail.com كتب:
Hi - without you posting at least a gh file, it’s impossible to tell what you are looking at.
It is perfectly normal for the Boundary Surfaces component to tell you that it didn’t run…
I thank you very very very much. I am new with grasshopper
Yes what youbpost for me was true ibdont know how to connect more.
Is it grasshopper very difficult. I don’t know what to do or how to understand how it is working
How can be able to understand it. And do parametric buildings. Thank you again
في الخميس، ٢٣ ابريل، ٢٠٢٠ ١١:٣٩ ص Wim Dekeyser via McNeel Forum mcneel@discoursemail.com كتب:
Hi - there are lots of resources online - a few examples:
Ok thank you i will watch and see. I hope after seeing the videos will be able to work with grasshopper. Thanks again
في الخميس، ٢٣ ابريل، ٢٠٢٠ ١٢:١٦ م Wim Dekeyser via McNeel Forum mcneel@discoursemail.com كتب: