Metal 3D Printing-Collision detection Between Robot Arm & Weld Tool

I am new to the platform and am currently trying to achieve a 3D planner path-planning for a metal 3D printing setup that uses a 5-axis robot. Upon tracing the path, the robot arm and weld torch collide at some points. My questions:

  1. How do I solve it?
  2. Is there any way to show collision detection?

PS: I already used Taco ABB which solves 2nd question but collision still exists between the robot arm and the welding torch.


Your question seems really generic (“How to solve…”) and, as you are probably using paid plugins so sharing your definition is useless, you should ask for help from whoever made you use that plugin.

From the first picture alone, it seems like a person trying to draw something behind its back.

Try to change the initial plane of the robot, to make it have a different orientation.
Feels like the tool is mounted in reverse, or something like that…

Can you post a screenshot showing the robot and robot arm completely?

Hello Riccardo,
Thanks for responding! What I meant by “how to solve it” is how do I tweak the path/add any parameter to avoid collisions between the arm and the torch? I have tried both “Robot Components ABB” and “Taco ABB” (both open source), I currently use an ABB robotic arm so it was easier to use them to get programming code by the end of the script.

Unfortunately, I can’t alter the robot’s orientation and distance from the workpiece, as it replicates the actual scenario. The welding torch is mounted correctly but the robot moves it to the wrong (colliding) orientation at some points. I am resharing the home position of the robot (transparent red) and the colliding one (opaque grey) in the attached image.

Thanks for taking an interest!

Best opinion giver would be the plugin creator.

Hard to guess.
I still think changing tool initial orientation might solve the problem.
I would try to change the tool initial planes. Keep trying.

Your “TCP” and “Tool Base” surfaces, you are using them with a “Is Planar” component, the consequent plane is not really something very well defined.
Try doing this instead:
2024-06-04 16_53_45-Grasshopper - unnamed
(note the reparametrize symbol on the “S” input)
And use the “F” output for your plane.

Then manually rotate the reference surfaces in rhino or use Rotate Plane component.

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Thank you, Riccardo! Will try this next. Let’s hope it works