I want to define the overall extremity of curvature/jaggedness of closed 3D curves Let’s say between 1 and 10. 1 is a curve like Crv1 with relatively low jaggedness
I’ve seen some applications to measure curvature on a point but I’m not sure if there is a better way to aggregate the overall degree of curvature of a curve
Thank you for your response. Apologies, on reflection my question wasn’t clear enough. I want to measure the overall extremity of curvature/jaggedness of curves. Grading the curvature/jaggedness or “noise” as defined in your definition on a scale of 1 - 10.
So rather than creating noise, I want to measure the existing curvature/jaggedness across the whole curve. Thank you.
Fantastic Quan Li, I will take a look at this now. I was having issues getting curvature readings as converting to nurbs was something I was missing. Thank you.