MeshOutline does NOT works with Clipping Planes?

Hi all,
I just discovered MeshOutline.
it is very useful when I need to have a quick and rough outline of complex polysurfaces to be exported to 2D. Output is generally better than Silhouette or Make2D.
Sometimes it fails but I have seen already other posts about this.

I did found out that it is NOT working with clipping planes
@rajaa is this an expected behaviour or it is a bug?

  1. Place an object and a clipping plane (the solid is not to be symmetrical about CP)
  2. activate clipping plane
  3. Meshoutline
  4. the output does NOT correspond to what is shown. the whole contour is generated, rather than clipped one.

Screenshot and file attached below.


MeshOutline does NOT works with Clipping Planes.3dm (239.8 KB)

Hi Luca -

I’ve put this on the list as RH-85690 MeshOutline: Ignores Clipped State of View

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