Mero truss

Hi everyone, i hope you can help me, im new in rhino and grasshopper and i made this biome structure (image “biomes” with “lines” sweep 2rail) but is not perfect like a really mero truss, i put spheres like a mero truss but the joints are not perfect like the image “what i need”, if you can help me with a grasshopper file with the solution for understand the process, is for educational homework

Estereometrica para el Bioma (13.0 KB)

For mero truss search on you will find many scripts from Mero dark master Peter Fotiadis

you linked to the phone company :smiley:

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The answer will come down to how detailed do you need to go?

Do you just need the cone connectors for visual purposes or do you want to work this down to part numbering and drafting every different drilled ball?

To strictly answer you question, the easiest way to put the connector on the end of your pipe will be to define a block in Rhino of it. Then you can use an add-on like Elefront or Human to stick it on everyone of your pipe ends.

I just need to make the biome shape with the mero structure for image(render) i dont need nothing professional, analisys or something like that

Academic or not you should do things the proper way:

  1. First and top is the clash issue (on purpose shown on your first image that is from some case of mine). Deal with this via elementary trigonometry (nodes) and axis min distances (tubes). Avoid at any cost 3d bool ops. Clash is related mostly with tubes but sleeves and connecting bolts may clash as well.

For instance imagine dealing with a random truss like this:

  1. Then is the instance definition issue. Treat any solid as a block, that is. Critical in order to achieve (a) some real-life connectivity to some BIM AEC app (not Rhino) AND (b) some real-life response since is the norm to deal with 10++ K solid objects (count 100++K for big trusses - Note: a NVidia Quadro Kepler is suggested).

  2. Then is the member connectivity issue. Without mastering that any attempt to do anything in real-life is pointless.

  3. Then is the mother of all things: what kind of envelope the MERO is supporting.

All the above are rather easily addressed via code … not so sure with components. Anyway I could provide some non internal C# defs (purely indicative to be honest) in order to guide you into the unknown … if you are familiar with code matters (if not avoid dealing with trusses).

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