MergeAllEdges command line feedback?

there’s no feedback to let you know if it merged any edges, it’d be nice. thanks

Got that, thanks.

RH-57581 Report edges merged


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any news on this? thanks.

Hi - this one is still open and on the 7.x list. This means that it will be looked at again at some point after Rhino 7 ships.

excellent, thank you!

@pascal any progress, i noticed that it hasn’t been incorporated. it’d be real nice. :wink:

Please try the scripts in

Notice that the RebuildEdges option is enabled by default in

nice! you are the guy that wrote the “delete faces” script that is so freaking ingenious? i wish mcneel would get that working natively.

That’s me. Thanks!

But why do you want it to be a native command?