Merge hollow box after following along a curve

Hi, I have been attempting to merge a shape like a building with partition walls by using follow along a curve but am totally unable to work out if there’s a way of then merging the forms?

  1. Look at the area or volume of the initial hollow box
  2. Array the box along a curve
  3. Merge the walls of both shapes while maintaining original square footage in both.
  4. Return to 1. until line ends

I’ve also noticed the along curve starts several feet in from the beginning unless Stretch function is set to true, while the shape get warped if I am not in Rigid mode.

I am happy to just solve this issue with a more basic shape of just walls if that is easier.


Warp Building (93.8 KB)

Maybe one way to solve this problem is to boolean difference each building with the bounding box of the next building.

I adjusted the bounding box to not include the small extrusion coming out of the large vertical walls and the result is one closed polysurface. (87.9 KB)

Yes unfortunately you then get a gap at the rear. I wonder if it’s better to simply work in curves and fix one side of walls and move the inner wall as it goes along the curve to match the area as it turns the corner? Then you can extrude the walls up later

I missed the question about the gap towards the back end of the buildings. I think it requires a different approach. Might be better to build the overall volume first and then the voids.