Maximally extend a curve to a certain boundary?

Hello, I need help on defining the logic and also what component to use. So the idea is that, I want to extend the start and end of this green highlighted line to the north and south boundary of the site. So, I want to be able to move the highlighted line in X-axis while the length of its Y-axis will always be on max length of the site’s shape. Can anyone help me with the logic? I’ve tried to find similar cases but no luck. The most similar case is to use ‘fillet’ but I think that’s quite subtly for a different purpose.

Hi @haykalavinsa,

This is only a very simple solution- assumes that the line to extend is a line, not a curve.

But if that is all you need it to do, this may do the trick. (8.0 KB)

1 Like (9.7 KB)


Thank you very much for the help, that works

Thank you so much, this totally works ! (13.3 KB)