Hi everyone,
I want to use component make2D ghpython, it seems not to work
Hi @Shank,
Here’s a python component I made for this exact purpose, it’s obviously not short and I’m sure could be improved greatly but perhaps it will help you.
You can leave it to run in real-time or use a Boolean for manual refreshing.
It also outputs the Visible Lines/Hidden Lines separately and outputs the computation time
Hopefully it will help.
__author__ = "Michael Vollrath"
__version__ = "2023.07.15"
#Made With ♥ & 🐍 In Dallas, TX
#Set Component Message
if A:
ghenv.Component.Message = "Real-Time"
ghenv.Component.Message = "Manual"
ghenv.Component.Name = "Hidden Line Drawing"
ghenv.Component.NickName = "HLD"
ghenv.Component.Description = "Create a hidden line drawing of the input geometry from the input views and optionally run as real-time or require manual refresh"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[0].Name = "Activate"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[0].NickName = "A"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[0].Description = "Set True To Activate"
# ghenv.Component.Params.Input[1].Name = "Tolerance"
# ghenv.Component.Params.Input[1].NickName = "T"
# ghenv.Component.Params.Input[1].Description = "Tolerance For Make2D Operation"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[1].Name = "Model Object"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[1].NickName = "O"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[1].Description = "Objects To Create Hidden Line Drawing From"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[2].Name = "View"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[2].NickName = "V"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[2].Description = "View To Create From"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[3].Name = "Manual"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[3].NickName = "M"
ghenv.Component.Params.Input[3].Description = "Enable For Manual Refresh"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[0].Name = "Curve"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[0].NickName = "Cv"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[0].Description = "Visible Curves Resulting From Hidden Line Drawing"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[1].Name = "Curve"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[1].NickName = "Ch"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[1].Description = "Hidden Curves Resulting From Hidden Line Drawing"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[2].Name = "Execution Time"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[2].NickName = "T"
ghenv.Component.Params.Output[2].Description = "Time It Took For The Hidden Line Drawing Computation"
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import ghpythonlib.treehelpers as th
import time
# Get the instance ID of the current component
instance_id = str(ghenv.Component.InstanceGuid)
# Check if the custom dictionary exists in scriptcontext.sticky
if "HLD_Attributes" not in sc.sticky:
# Create a custom dictionary to store the created_curves dictionary
sc.sticky["HLD_Attributes"] = {}
# Retrieve the created_curves dictionary from the custom dictionary
created_curves = sc.sticky["HLD_Attributes"].get(instance_id, {})
# Check if A or M is set to true, then update the sticky dictionary
if A or M:
start_time = time.time()
# Set up a new hidden-line-drawing parameter
hld_parm = rg.HiddenLineDrawingParameters()
hld_parm.IncludeTangentEdges = False
hld_parm.IncludeTangentSeams = False
hld_parm.Flatten = True
hld_parm.IncludeHiddenCurves = True
for geo in O:
hld_parm.AddGeometry(geo, '')
Cv = []
Ch = []
for view in V:
# Compute
hld = rg.HiddenLineDrawing.Compute(hld_parm, True)
vis = rg.HiddenLineDrawingSegment.Visibility.Visible
hid = rg.HiddenLineDrawingSegment.Visibility.Hidden
view_Cv = []
view_Ch = []
for hld_crv in hld.Segments:
segment_curve = hld_crv.CurveGeometry
if segment_curve in created_curves:
crv = created_curves[segment_curve]
crv = segment_curve.DuplicateCurve()
created_curves[segment_curve] = crv
if hld_crv.SegmentVisibility == vis:
elif hld_crv.SegmentVisibility == hid:
# Store the Cv and Ch data in the created_curves dictionary
created_curves["Cv"] = Cv
created_curves["Ch"] = Ch
# Update the custom dictionary in scriptcontext.sticky
sc.sticky["HLD_Attributes"][instance_id] = created_curves
end_time = time.time()
execution_time = round(end_time - start_time, 1)
T = str(execution_time) + "s"
# Check if the current component's curves are already stored in the dictionary
if "Cv" in created_curves and "Ch" in created_curves:
Cv = created_curves["Cv"]
Ch = created_curves["Ch"]
Cv = []
Ch = []
# Output the curves as lists of curves
Cv_output = Cv
Ch_output = Ch
Cv = th.list_to_tree(Cv_output)
Ch = th.list_to_tree(Ch_output)
20240717_GH_Python_Hidden_Line_Drawing_Via_Make_2D_01a.gh (8.7 KB)
Wow, Thank you.
You’re welcome!
It is this script working with Rhino7? It is not running on my system.
Make2D_GhPython.gh (9.2 KB)
Hi @Cumberland ,
The script component is R8. The code should work on R7 mostly if not entirely. Slight formatting may be needed here and there but you should be able to use the code in the R7 script component if you copy and paste it in and set up your inputs and such.