Make honeycomb solid from surface


I want to generate honeycomb solids based on honeycomb surface, which was generated by extruding honeycomb curves along vertical direction. I use the command offsetSrf, with both sides. When three surfaces are intersecting, I could use the boolean union to merge them. But there are some notches when two surfaces are intersecting after the offsetSrf. How could I fix that?

Thank you!

You should join the surfaces together before offsetSrf. Then the corner is clean.

that would not work due to nonmanifold surfaces, edges where 3 surfaces meet. you could use NonmanifoldMerge when you have all single surfaces extruded, but that would still need a bit foot work to finish it up.

you would have to use option both when OffsetSrf, then cap the outer surfaces and use the vertical surface as cutters to trim the holes into the caps, join and delete the initial surfaces.

Hi Toni, thanks for answering! The surfaces are already joined together. When the three surfaces intersecting, I can use offsetSurf to create the solid and boolean union to merge them, that is great, no notch there. But I want to fix the notch problem when two surfaces intersecting.

Hi, Thank you very much for you reply. From my understanding, are you mentioning how to avoid nonmanifold surfaces issues? Actually, when the three surfaces intersecting, I can use offsetSurf to create the solid and boolean union to merge them, that is great, no notch there, which is what I want to achieve. But I want to fix the notch problem when two surfaces intersecting, as shown in the picture. Is it possible to fill the notches when two surface intersecting?


The logic I used for generating honeycomb is:
create hexagonal curve in grasshopper -->extrude curve in Z direction to create surface in grasshopper–>offsetSrf with both sides in Rhino.

But there will be notches when two surfaces are intersecting. Could anyone gives some suggestions?


Just to clarify, I want to avoid these notches. Do you have some ideas? Thank you!


shell-1experiemntValidate.stp (1.4 MB)
This is the honeycomb surface geometry, I intended to use offsetSrf with both sides to make it to honeycomb solid for 3d printing, thanks! (190.9 KB)

Please don’t start multiple topics for the same problem.

Smooth edges (193.2 KB)

This one gives smooth edges result.

Thank you very much! It will give me this geometry.

Hi, I also tried the new Smooth edges It works perfectly with rounded corners. Thank you so much fir your huge help!!! It indeed solves my problem!

A quick question is that, the data has not fed into the components in red circles, but why it can still generate the solid honeycomb? It might be silly, sorry I’m new for grasshopper…