Make curves equal of Pyramid cone

Check attached. If you want joined curves, then, use Join Curves.
And it seems you don’t have any knowledge of data tree or data matching…
Whatever you ask here, it depends on your will, but if you are a beginner, you might want to learn the basics first. There are tons of useful tutorials including bellow.

Brep (21.5 KB)

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Thank you so much I will try this tutorial, and I see many tutorial on internet but I don’t know what is good material to learn for start (beginer). But when I bake the contour it do not join in Rhino view

Bake Join Curves.

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Use join curves in Rhino command? but now I think maybe to get new list or tree item include 4 internal faces from brep offset and the contour can auto join :slight_smile:

What are you talking about? Do not you even know that the flow of GH definition goes from left to right and the final result is the last component?

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Thank you very much! I miss flatten for contour.

So, you didn’t downloaded and checked my file that posted last ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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No I dowloaded, but I tried in old version :):sweat_smile: