everything was fine for a long time now. yesterday evening I prepared a big batch and left the office. now I realize, that this bug is back.
again, the macro is not able to “hit the stop button” which is necessary for the macro to continue.
I used the same macro that I had used previously a couple of times without any problem.
hope this is just something simple and can be fixed for the wip/beta tomorrow?
(so now we are “BETA”, when will we see a “WIP” again?)
btw, I was really happy with the improvements in lighting and renderspeed over the last time. there was especially one wip which made a huge step.
and another little thing:
cycles doesn’t utilize the GPU correctly. utilization constantly jumps between 0 and 100%. the frequency is depending on the tile size. so with a smaller tile-size the it jumps quickly between 0 and 100, whereas on higher tile-size it keeps the 100% utilization for a longer period but also rests at 0% longer. with very larger tile-sizes, the longer resting at 0% will even make the GPU lower its frequency cause it thinks it’s time to go to idle. raytracing in the viewport utlizes the GPU correctly 100% all the time (so you could say in rendering 50% of the time it works all the time ).
I guess fixing this bug could double the render speed.
(you need a program like msi-afterburner to get good readings and a graph in order to observe this behavior. windows10 can show the GPU utilization too since the last big update, but it’s useless in this case because it just shows an averaged curve).