Macro for named selections


I want to create macro for selecting named selections so I can bind them to keys.
I tried to copy and modify command from wiki but I receive “unknown command” error.
I will be grateful for pointing me what I did wrong:

Try _-NamedSelections _select “Selection 01::clipping plane”
You need the dash before NamedSelections, not just the underline.

Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately it still doesnt work.

I dont understand why there is “unknown command: 01::clipping” since they are in quotation marks.

That looks wrong to me - the same combination works here - did you by chance copy and paste the macro from elsewhere? If so, what happens if you type the whole thing in the editor. I’m wondering if the formatting of the double-quotes is not correct somehow.


Hello again. Thank you for your answer. It appears that quotation marks were the reason of the problem. When I copied your macro it didn’t work. But when I removed quotation marks and typed them by keyboard, macro worked. Thank you for solving my problem.