Hi @AndyPayne,
Thanks for your replies. I’ll try to answer each one of your questions separately.
- About the logs
This is not exactly the same: i get templates about the launch of Grasshopper
While i’m looking for something the logs both the launch and specific events, as seen here on my local compute server. Do i miss something?
- Different behaviours.
I’ll let you know when i get some more, but i already have a simple example of a component acting differently with or without the GUI here with the issue of a panel not being able to be converted to a float in compute.
- Rhino compute returning nothing
Except if i miss something, the compute server doesn’t return anything, and i am well aware of the need to internalize geometries, we are using this on a few models . Please see example below: with the GUI, i do have the cubes correspondig to first object appearing.
With the appserver requesting the local server, here’s what i get in the browser (and no “Object” returned as when it works):
This corresponds to this error in the compute cmd interface:
CG [13:44:03 DBG] Logging to C:\Users\quent\AppData\Local\Temp\Compute\Logs
CG [13:44:03 INF] Child process started at 03/10/2024 13:44:03
CG [13:44:05 INF] Compute, Rhino 8.9.24194.18121
CG [13:44:05 DBG] Rhino system directory: C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System
CG [13:44:10 DBG] Hosting starting
CG [13:44:25 INF] (1/3) Loading rhino scripting plugin
CG [13:44:25 INF] Successfully loaded scripting plugin
CG [13:44:25 INF] Configured scripting plugin for compute
CG [13:44:25 INF] (2/3) Loading grasshopper
CG [13:44:46 INF] (3/3) Loading compute plug-ins
CG [13:44:46 DBG] Found module compute.geometry.FixedEndPointsModule
CG [13:44:46 DBG] Found module compute.geometry.RhinoGetModule
CG [13:44:46 DBG] Found module compute.geometry.RhinoPostModule
CG [13:44:46 DBG] Found module compute.geometry.ResthopperEndpointsModule
CG [13:44:47 INF] Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
CG [13:44:47 INF] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
CG [13:44:47 INF] Hosting environment: Production
CG [13:44:47 INF] Content root path: C:\Users\quent\Documents\Git\compute.rhino3d\src\bin\Debug\compute.geometry
CG [13:44:47 DBG] Hosting started
CG [13:44:54 DBG] Using cached definition
CG [13:44:56 ERR] Data conversion failed from Text to Number: component "Center Box" (ec268e8b-f7cb-4c34-8cc0-bf5f6504689d)
And to this one in the local instance of webapp (VS Code debug terminal)
GET /view/Tests%3Enon_working_component.gh 200 3515.476 ms - -
GET /solve/Tests%3Enon_working_component.gh?number_of_cubes=10 400 2252.916 ms - -
Please find sample model here:
non_working_component.gh (9.8 KB)
Hope my answers are clear, feel free to ask for any precision, this is a big topic for us.
Thanks in advance, best