Loft "Some, but not all of the curve end points touch."

Hi everyone :slight_smile:
I want to use the “loft” command, however it doesn´t work. After I try to do the command, there is written “some, but not all of the curve end points touch”.
I already redid the surfaces to make sure that every curve touches each other. I am kind of lost, can you please tell me whart I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Please post the 3dm file.

Is there a specific reason why you want to use loft for creating this surface? Wouldn´t it be more easy to cap it?
Or you can select only two of the lines you selected in your video, which are opposite each other and loft them.

… ok if you do not want to post a file…

possible candidates are:


depending on your geometry:
but only choose the 2 longer edges as curves - assuming that the short edges are lines…

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the opening is curved cap will not work here.
like @Tom_P mentioned i would simply loft the two long sides that is the quickest.

loft is also not meant for such a situation at all. imagine loft as an open or tubular (plastic) foil that lets you create a surface pulling it from curve to curve. imagine how you would try to close an open cardboard box with nothing but plastic foil, as much freedom as you may have rotating the foil or box and wrapping multiple times that is nothing the loft command would ever attempt :smile:

also in reality if the foil is big enough you could wrap it from 2 opposite sides which would already close it, here in Rhino the foil can be as big as your curves, so only 2 curves (in that case these which give you the curvature) are needed if the sides are straight. if they are not straight then you might want to use sweep 2 or edgeSrf as already pointed out

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it is not possible to cap curved surfaces :confused:

i didn´t see your message yesterday :slight_smile: Thank you for your answer