i make this script to loft 2 set of curves but some times it choos a wrong pire of curves or start loft from a wrong point ( the starting points for the two curves not alginment ) can any one help me to fix it .
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def sort_curves_by_starting_curve(curves, starting_curve):
# Get the starting point of the initial curve
start_point = rs.CurveStartPoint(starting_curve)
# Create a list of tuples (curve, distance from start_point)
curves_with_distance = [(curve, rs.Distance(start_point, rs.CurveStartPoint(curve))) for curve in curves if curve != starting_curve]
# Sort the list of tuples by the distance (second element of the tuple)
sorted_curves = sorted(curves_with_distance, key=lambda x: x[1])
# Insert the starting curve at the beginning of the sorted list
sorted_curve_ids = [starting_curve] + [curve[0] for curve in sorted_curves]
return sorted_curve_ids
def loft_curves():
# Prompt user to select the group of curves for the first group
curves1 = rs.GetObjects(“Select all curves for the first group”, rs.filter.curve)
if not curves1:
print(“Selection was canceled.”)
# Prompt user to select the starting curve for the first group
starting_curve1 = rs.GetObject("Select the starting curve for the first group", rs.filter.curve)
if not starting_curve1:
print("Selection was canceled.")
# Sort the curves in the first group starting from the starting curve
group1 = sort_curves_by_starting_curve(curves1, starting_curve1)
# Prompt user to select the group of curves for the second group
curves2 = rs.GetObjects("Select all curves for the second group", rs.filter.curve)
if not curves2:
print("Selection was canceled.")
# Prompt user to select the starting curve for the second group
starting_curve2 = rs.GetObject("Select the starting curve for the second group", rs.filter.curve)
if not starting_curve2:
print("Selection was canceled.")
# Sort the curves in the second group starting from the starting curve
group2 = sort_curves_by_starting_curve(curves2, starting_curve2)
# Ensure both groups have the same number of curves
if len(group1) != len(group2):
print("Both groups must have the same number of curves.")
# Loft each pair of curves from the first and second groups in the order selected
for i in range(len(group1)):
curve1 = group1[i]
curve2 = group2[i]
print("Lofting curves: {} with {}".format(curve1, curve2))
rs.AddLoftSrf([curve1, curve2])
print("Loft surfaces created successfully.")
except Exception as e:
print("An error occurred: {}".format(e))
if name == “main”: