ListBox with autocomplete function


Iam a new os scripts, I start now with python, I need a function that I can not find anywhere (I do not know if it exists).

I need to create a “listbox” with autocomplete function, when I start typing automatically search within the list.

Any tip?

@MatrixRatrix, are you on mac or windows ?


The ETO ComboBox control supports an AutoComplete property if you’re able to use that as a substitution for a ListBox.

I am on windons.

Sorry , I am new on this, I already read some thing about Eto, but I read that is only for rhino6, this is possible with rhino5?


you might try below ComboBox as a starting point. (5.7 KB)



Thank you clement, tomorow I test.

And ETO ? there is some way to install on rhino5?


Unfortunately Eto does not work with Rhino 5. But you can try below script in Rhino 6: (4.1 KB)


Thank you.

I can not test today, but tomorrow I test.

I know it will get out of the topic, but I’ll take advantage to ask another question.
I need to access a MySql database, does it have some lib for the rhino? like PyMysql or MySqldb?

@MatrixRatrix, please create a new topic, preferably with a (small) example file.



ComboBox autocomplete solve, tank you.