Is there any component that assign values/strings into a dropdown list and the I can filter the list? If the list number change constantly it is hard to do it. I just do not want something simple.
Not exactly what you’re looking for, but could be a work around:
I’ve made a little component that can help you achieve what you’re looking for:
As you can see you need to right-click on this component to edit the output text.
RealtimeTextBox.gha (8 KB)
Sourse Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Grasshopper.Kernel;
using Rhino.Geometry;
namespace RealtimeTextBox
public class RealtimeTextBoxComponent : GH_Component
public string text;
public RealtimeTextBoxC…
List with input exists in the Human plugin
Check this
Ah okay, I see what you mean now - there were actually two separate issues there, one of which was the odd panel formatting difference between the top and bottom panels.
Value lists will evaluate the right hand side of the expression, so you have to wrap them in double quotes to be parsed as strings, something like this:
for n in newlist:
try: # to parse n as an integer
rhs = n
except ValueError:
rhs = '"{}"'.format(n)
ghValueListSet_edited (1).gh (4.9 KB)