List management

I have 4 geometries with two points. I start with one point of the geometry1 (point A) and I need calculate which of the points of the geometry 2 is the closest point of point A (ie point C), select that point and do the same with the geometry 3 calculating the closest point of point C (ie point F),…
I know calculate the length, sort and filter but i don´t know the way to manage the list.

it depends mostly with how many points you’re dealing with, using a loop simplifies things a lot: (13.0 KB)

My target is get order that curves start in the 1 and using clock wise 7 be 2, 5 be 3,… I think that a way is with the distance from one point of a curve to the closet point to the other geometry but…

List (8.0 KB)

are those rectangles going to rotate? or are they -eventually- just allowed to translate on XY plane?

because, internally, points looks like they are already well sorted in counterclockwise order starting on the bottom-left corner…

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I like order the curves between them. Not the vertex.

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this might work in this case, but a lot depends on how your geometries are organized

given a starting curve at index i, it searches the closest curve to i in the whole set of {all_curves - i}… rinse and repeat (17.2 KB)


Thanks so much @inno . I have study your reply because i didn´t know the “loop” components of Anemone.

nice @inno with curve proximity is more precise, anyway here is the nearest neighbour with points and if your geometry has this “radial” location, sort along curve is better. (25.5 KB)


List (13.6 KB)
Thanks so much. I write this code how i think the way but i don´t know how to manage the list to avoid repeat ever code for each point.