Link to previous version of rhino7?

I updated my rhino 7 and when I tried to use my ClimateStudio Plug in I got a message that said the plug in was “not compatible with this version of Rhino”. I’ve been in contact with CS support and they can’t find the reasoning as to why the plug-in won’t load. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the plug in but i get the same message. Only option i see is reverting to the previous version of Rhino I had.

Hi Juan -

Do you recall which version you were running previously?

Hey wim!
I’m not sure which version I had previously. I’ve looked at my classmates’ version and one of them has SR33 like me and does’t seem to have a problem loading the plug-in. Another classmate of mine has SR24 and the plug-in works. So any version between SR24 and SR33 should be fine.

Hi Juan -

This is SR31.

Awesome! My ClimateStudio Plug-in is functioning now. Thanks so much.