Line classification

please help how to select same lines and same length?

Python or C#?

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Maybe some of these can help… (2.8 KB) (2.7 KB) (2.7 KB) (2.5 KB)

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Hi! I tried your SelSameLenCrvs script. it is very helpful for me, but i get error, all my geometries are same. but it doesn’t see the white image? My white image, exported from Rhino to dxf but when I put it back into Rhino SelSameLenCrvs, I don’t see it? please help how to solve?

Can’t tell anything from an image, please post the file. In general if a curve does not export from Rhino, it is invalid. The script may also fail in that case. If it selects when you run SelBadObjects, it is invalid. In that case Explode/Join usually fixes it.

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