i am getting frequent hardlocks when i create a leader and then change then either the leader text justification or access the drop down menu below the justification buttons. With hardlock, i mean the whole system freezes and i need to reboot using the reset switch. This happened on SR22 and SR23 (Win7).
If i open Rhino and create a leader after reboot, i cannot force this hardlock, but i can repeat what is shown in the video:
If i create a leader and edit eg. its justification, then click in an empty area to unselect it, it obviously is unselected (the properties vanish) but the highlight is still there. May this have something to do with the hardlocks i get ?
Good. It seems the hardlocking i get has something to do with the dim style. If i do not add my own one, i can stress the properties panel without a problem. If i add my dim style (scripted) it either starts to behave as described in this thread (llags up to 10seconds), or locks up my whole system. Should i post that dimstyle ?
Hi Pascal, i’ll attach the script which creates that style: TestScript.zip (1.6 KB)
I’ve experienced at least one hardlock when changing some values for this style under Document Properties > Annotation Styles. The fun part is, i cannot repeat it right after re-opening Rhino. It only happens in the middle of an unsafed modeling session.
Perfect… OK, I’ll take a look, thanks. @clement - does the lock-up happen while you are inside DocumentPropperties? On that annotation style page? (so far none here)
Hi @pascal, i had 1 lockup in the document properties panel and 2 when trying to change the dropdown menu value below the leader justification buttons.
I hope these problems could be adressed in an upcoming SR, the highlight problem reported as fixed by Brian above really is a very minor thing compared to crashes and system lockups.