Hi I have recently started using the Koala plugin for grasshopper to make a Scia model.
I have a free-surface load in my model, however I cannot find/workout how you can specify a variable load for the free surface load.
All examples i have seen only use a constant load value.
Can anyone help me?
Edge loads seem to provide options for variable (trapezoidal) loads, but the surface load does not. So unfortunately I don’t think this is possible.
You can define one load value per edge with this trick :
Although I’m unsure if SCIA will accept those during import, or if that is sufficiently variable for your project.
FreeSurfaceLoads.gh (18.1 KB)
Unfortunately I feel 4 edge loads will not equal to a surface load.
Maybe split the area into load blocks. Or amend the created xml to allow variable loads.