I have two surface. one of them is the bent form of another surface. What I am looking for is to define bent surface as a surface that has stored elastic energy. For example, you can imagine that I have 3 cables that connect 3 vertices of the triangel and they try to close every vertex to two rest vertices.
It is clear that bent surface has displacement and von mises. But, since I could not define the bent surface as a prestressed element, there is no result to show.
Please let me know how can I solve it? @anna_kiwi3d
Hey, I cannot check the file right now but here are some hints:
if you already have two surfaces (bent form from previous calculation or with same parametrization, i.e. degrees, trims, knots), you can use the reference geometry component. You have to create two surface elements with the respectives inputs. The one with the planar surface is connected to the RE input. It defines that the RE configuration was the stress-free initial configuration of the element. The inner stresses are computed by the difference of the two geometries.
if you want to bent it further by the cables. You have to set L input of the cable to true and the refinement to P=1, U=1. The prestress is set to an appropriate value (dependent on the system stiffness). The load application is controlled by the load displacement curve connected to the analysis component. If the simulation does not converge, you have to slow down the load application or try with a lower prestress value.
I did what you adviced (first one) and made a structural element (the output of ReferenceGeometry). Now, I use it as the elemnt input for analysis model with non-linear analysis and 3 supports (you can see them on the picture I have attached before). The problem is that there is no GPs on the output of the AnalysisModel (M) componenet. Please let me know how can I solve this problem? @anna_kiwi3d
Did you run the analysis? Potential error messages are in the output of the solver.
Here’s a quick file running file based on yours. 01 Sim.gh (89.7 KB)
You need to enable the movement of some supports. Otherwise, the structure will not move. Second, the trims of the deformed and undeformed surfaces are not the same. You generate some non-intended forces in the structure corrupting the analysis.