Join open meshes

Hi all,

Totally new to Rhino (6). Using it because client uses it for modelling.
I want to create one object from several separate open meshes, because I want to import it (using FBX) into Unity as one mesh/object.
Trying to use join.
Now it shows as separate objects in both Rhino and Unity.
Is there even a way to join open meshes that are not intersecting/sharing vertices?

Kind regards,

Hi @dick.lelyveld
If you start the join command without any objects pre-selected, there’s an option in the commandline to JoinDisjointMeshes=Yes/No. Set it to Yes and you should be good to go :slight_smile:
HTH, Jakob


Thank you very much!
Exactly what I was searching for :slight_smile:

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Thank you, Jakob. This is tremendously useful for exporting to a game engine like Unity. You saved my project.

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Hello, till now i use join to join all meshes - now i can not to join open meshes. I type JoinDisjointMeshes - bu rhino dont have this command. Rhino Version 7 SR37
(7.37.24107.15001, 2024-04-16).

When i type join and select open meses i receive message “8 meshes joined into 0 closed disjoint meshes, 0 open disjoint meshes, 0 closed meshes and 8 open meshes.”

Please help

I solved the problem. I selected meshes and then type join command - then i got option “Select mesh to join. Press Enter when done ( JoinDisJointMeshes=Yes )” then i selected yes.

thanks for previously suggestions.