hi everyone i need someone to do a design for me
thank you
are you paying or asking for a favor?
no i am not i have a design and and i want someone do it for me
maybe post a picture of it in this thread and if it’s interesting to someone, they’ll probably model it or parts of it.
or is it something you’d rather not post publicly ?
Yes I do not want released to the public
Send me a pic by PM, NDNC if you need it.
who is pic by PM ?
Translated as: send him a picture by personal message on this discourse forum.
Thanks @nathanletwory, I shouldn’t have been so cryptic, that time of year though.
Hi Waad_Aloufi,
What is your budget for this project and when do you need completed by?
the way i understand it is the budget is $0 and needs it yesterday
Like most requests. I haven’t heard from him, so on to paying work.
i don’t understand
can anyone help me for to do my design
We don’t know what “My Design” is. If you do not show what the design is, no one will offer any help.
ok i will show you the design
i have a design and and i want someone do it for me
if it’s a design you cannot show publicly, i have sent you a personal message with contact details.
this is the design can you do it ?
thank you
well yes,… but you will need to take better and larger photos. These photos are not large and clear enough.
i think, you are new to the forum and english is not your first language. Check your profile page on the forum, you can send/recieve personal message to other members (just like in facebook). Try to check the message i have sent you.
Yes, I’m new to the forum
The first language is Arabic but my English is not bad
If you can formulate design