I have been recently testing the python 3 script editor in grasshopper and rhino 8.
My main focus was on installing the external packages (networkx in this example)
I encountered the issue with python versions before and after loading the grasshopper (gh omniverse plugin specifically - I managed to single out the reason after a very long and tedious process of crossing out potential issues).
Rhino version:
Version 8 SR9
(8.9.24194.18121, 2024-07-12)
Before loading the grasshopper the Python path and version are as follows:
python version: 3.9.10
‘C:\Users\aleksander.mastalski\.rhinocode\py39-rh8\DLLs’, ‘C:\Users\aleksander.mastalski\.rhinocode\py39-rh8\lib’,
‘C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System’,
‘C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\7.0.20\’
The package gets installed and works well.
After loading the grasshopper:
python version: 3.10.10
extra sys.path entry:
After loading gh it looks as if for some reason the python version used by omniverse causes the python39.dll conflict. What is more the sys.version claims that different python is used(3.10.10).
I would like to ask if there is a way to manually deselect that entry from the path only for python3 script editor so that I can still use omniverse plugin.
What is worth mentioning - if I first load script editor in rhino before loading grasshopper the grasshopper version of script editor doesn’t give an error and works correctly.
However, if gh script editor is opened first the rhino script editor will give same error and python version of 3.10.10