Is there Extend curve from both directions?

Hi all
Is there Extend curve from both directions ?
any idea!

EX.3dm (2.8 MB)

Hi @PowerShape ,

You can do that with Grasshopper or with a small script.
I wrote a short script that you can use by calling EditPythonScript in the Command-box, copy paste the script into the editor and click on run. I added some comments explaining what the script does.

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino.Geometry as rg

def Main():
    curvesIds = rs.GetObjects("Select curves to extend")
    if not curvesIds: return
    extensionLength = rs.GetReal("Length", number=None, minimum=None, maximum=None)
    if not extensionLength: return
    curvesGeos = [sc.doc.Objects.Find(Id).Geometry for Id in curvesIds]

    for i, curve in enumerate(curvesGeos):
        rs.Prompt("Processing %s/%s"%(i+1, len(curvesGeos)))

        """Here you can choose what kind of extension type you want
        -Rhino.Geometry.CurveExtensionStyle.Line --> Line
        -Rhino.Geometry.CurveExtensionStyle.Arc --> Arc
        -Rhino.Geometry.CurveExtensionStyle.Smooth --> Smooth
        And for the curve side to extend:
        	None	0	Not the start nor the end.
	        Start	1	The frontal part of the curve.
	        End	    2	The tail part of the curve.
	        Both	3	Both the start and the end of the curve. """
        extendedCurve = curve.Extend(rg.CurveEnd(3), extensionLength, Rhino.Geometry.CurveExtensionStyle.Line) #Extends the curve
        if extendedCurve is None:
            print("ERROR: Could not extend curves")
            return #Return if extension fails
        sc.doc.Objects.AddCurve(extendedCurve) #Adds the objects to the model

    rs.DeleteObjects(curvesIds) #Comment this out if you want to keep the original curves


if __name__ == "__main__":

Hope this helps! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for your help, it’s working fine. :bouquet: @pascal
I hope the developers will add this wish to Rhino

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