Is it possible to change side surface angle like this in Rhino?
I would like to maintain G1 between side surfaces during that process.
Is it possible to change side surface angle like this in Rhino?
I would like to maintain G1 between side surfaces during that process.
You can use the MoveEdge command and move the bottom edge, but you need to have a (closed) polysurface.
I will try it. Thanks. It would be nice to have an angle there to put the exact value but I will create some guide curve for that.
Hello- in simple cases you can Shear
the side face to a particular angle - this will not, however, do the automatic resolving of intersections with other faces - this is something that V8’s PushPull could probably be persuaded to do, but it seems with non planar faces or more complicated arrangements things could get tricky pretty fast.
@Joshua_Kennedy - something to think about, perhaps.
Unfortunately MoveEdge is not a solution on not straight edges (complex curves/edges).
I need those tapered sides for moulding. I need to be sure that most of angles are higher then some factory minimal value. Move edge do not have same offset value on all surfaces and it’s dangerous for use in moulding (my case). It`s hard to see those differences on complex shapes.
My I ask you politely to ask developers if they could do ExtrudeCrvTapered with a G1 product from G1 curves? I think more people would be happy from that. Tapering is very popular in moulding, carbon parts creation etc. Now G1 curves creates G0 surfaces and there is a massive work to fix that manually…
Thanks in advance.
Please upload an example of such curves, the surfaces from whom they were derived, the target taper angle, and the pull direction.
I think what he means by G0 surfaces is surfaces with a million fully multiple knots.
If you take any simple well-behaved single span spline curve and use it as input for ExtrudeCrvTapered the result will be a surface with a gazillion control points and all the surfaces knot spans will be fully multiple. Users have been complaining about this for 25 years.
There are lots of ways to work around the mess that ExtrudeCrvTapered produces.
The users are always expected to be more competent than the developers. The users can fix the mess but the developers can’t.
ask developers if they could do ExtrudeCrvTapered with a G1 product from G1 curves
ExtrudeCrvTapered typically produces a good result if the input curves are tangent lines and arcs. For any other input it usually produces a mess.
But best in both worlds would be having clean single snap output like in Steven (SBP) script but with G1 like current ExtrudeCrvTapered command.
I slept today few hours sorry for messing things up.