convert PolylineCurve into PolyCurve and use PolyCurve.SegmentCount to get the number of segments?
How do I convert PolylineCurve to PolyCurve anyway?
convert PolylineCurve into PolyCurve and use PolyCurve.SegmentCount to get the number of segments?
How do I convert PolylineCurve to PolyCurve anyway?
What are you trying to do? Do you want to get the number of segments in a PolyLineCurve
PolyLineCurve plc; // defined elsewhere
int numberOfSegments = plc.IsClosed ? plc.PointCount : plc.PointCount - 1;
I want to iterate thru the PolyCurve segments using segment index (in case I need to modify segments or what not), but I have no clue how to convert PolylineCurve into PolyCurve, and PolylineCurve doesn’t have .SegmentCount method. Exploding Polyline to get segment count seems like a dumb idea also.
For now I can work around it by using .DuplicateSegments() and .Replace() if I need to. But I just wanna learn how to do it the above mentioned way.
I guess something like this could work:
PolylineCurve plc;
for (int i = 1; i < plc.PointCount; ++i)
Line segment = new Line(plc.Point(i-1), plc.Point(i));
if (needsToChange) {
plc.SetPoint(i-1, segment.From);
plc.SetPoint(i, segment.To);