Is Chamfer to a specific degree possible?

Is there a way to Chamfer to a specific degree?
I’m doing a speaker cabinet and just for modeling sake, I want to do a 45 degree angle on an intersection.

Like this.
Captura de pantalla 2023-08-05 094817

Instead of this.

I thought if could’ve been just easy with chamfer.

My process for the fist picture was

Intersect > Draw Line from Intersect to Edge > Extrude Curve > Boolean Difference

I did that in both surface. Now the reason why I used the command intersect was because I found some inconsistent behaviour with Int object snap.

Anothar way thing it is to boolean as intersection but we are just left with a squared column.

Any ideas for saving time?
When doing cabinets I mostly use Blum’s online service and you modeled it with the intesrsection cuts so that’s cool for reference.

Hi @HugoJBaez ,

Not sure about the chamfer specifics but an alternate miter method you can do is the following command macro (I think Pascal shared this at one point?):

! BooleanSplit Pause InfinitePLane Vertical Pause <45 Pause Enter

Set An Alias:

Custom Toolbar Icon:

  1. Pre-Select the Polysurfaces to miter
  2. Run the command via command line, macro, or toolbar icon
  3. Set “Delete Input = Yes” optionally
  4. Click a point for the miter start and a point for the miter end
  5. Window select/delete any extra geometry bits left over.

Not a perfect tool but helpful. Perhaps someone has a better solution


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woah, what is this!?

I was not aware of macro commands. is Mitter a downloadable extension?

Hello- see this page


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Nope just a macro with a toolbar icon linked to it.

A macro is a series of Rhino commands strung together to expedite what would be an otherwise longer sequence of entering multiple commands one after the other.

So this “miter” macro:
! BooleanSplit Pause InfinitePLane Vertical Pause <45 Pause Enter

is running a boolean split operation using a plane, the vertical plane is defined when you click the two “miter points”

Macros can be very powerful and efficient when used effectively

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It did the job.

I’m so shocked about this. Better get into it.

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All @pascal on that one! But I am working a on a grasshopper function that handles miters.

I’ll try and share here when I complete