Introducing TriRemesh - high quality triangular and hexagonal remeshing and shrink wrapping

Hi @Czaja

Here’s a different way of joining between two meshes so the vertices match (30.2 KB)

It uses a script I wrote for bridging a mesh between loops of points with different counts.
I still need to expose a setting in the remeshing to let you choose when to allow splitting of feature edges. Without this it isn’t guaranteed there won’t ever be a mismatch between the parts being joined, but when the same target edge length is being used for both parts it should be unlikely.

There’s also a bit in the definition above showing how to use the Shell goal for if you want to join the meshes with tangent continuity. (I’m also working on a way of doing this sort of fairing within the remeshing part).

I’d be interested to hear more about your intended workflow, as it could help inform a better interface for these sorts of joining/patching tools.