International Seminar in Design and 3D Printing
The Digital Manufacturing Brazilian Network (RBFD) - RhinoFabStudio invites the general public, architects, designers, programmers and people in order to attend a seminar on digital design and manufacturing; in this case specifically around the 3D printing.
Objective: to know all workflow, from design in concept to the realization of his ideas. Come to find out, first hand, working with a 3D printer. There are a number of special features, so we will be analyzing the most relevant aspects of this technology.
Choose the session that best fits your schedule:
Day June 5, Friday 15:00 19:00 hs
Day June 6, Saturday, 10:00 to 14:00, and from 15:00 to 19:00 hs Day June 7, Sunday, 10:00 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 19:00 pm
Location: Integrated Cultural Center. CIC. Address: Avenida Gov. Irenaeus Bornhausen, No. 5600 - Agronomic - Florianópolis - SC Phone: (48) 3664-2555
Students and teachers: R $ 20.00 * BUY
Professionals: R $ 40.00 * BUY
With the right to make their own impression (maximum1houruseofFelixPrintermachine)
For further information:
Phone: +55 (48) 9919-0065
Posted Jun 03, 2015 by Andres Gonzalez on Rhino News, etc.