Inside 3D Printing - RBFD

RBFD is born from the need to support the sectors related to design, modeling, programming, parametrization, rendering, documentation, and digital manufacturing. RBFD is an authorized RhinoFabStudio and offers training, software sales, and supports all initiatives working with Rhino.

Please join Affonso Orciuoli, form RBFD who will be talking at

INSIDE 3D PRINTING about Rhino 5 and 3D printing and see how this technology is revolutionizing industries including manufacturing, jewelry, medicine, architecture, aerospace, and more.

As a conference attendee, you’ll explore the business applications of 3D printing through conference sessions led by industry experts, demonstrations of the latest 3D printers and services, and programming for designers, artists, and makers.

Place: Sao Paulo, Brazil Date: March 9-10, 2015 Time: Monday March 9, from 12:00 pm - 6:30 pm Tuesday March 10, from 8:15 am - 6:30 pm

More information…



Registration: Online registration available until March 6, 2015. After this date only on-site.

Questions? please contact Affonso Orciuoli at RBFD

What is a RhinoFabStudio? A RhinoFabStudio™ (fabricationstudio) is a small-scale digital workshop, certified by McNeel, with an array of Rhino and Rhino compatible software and computer controlled tools and training. These tools cover the various leading-edge industrial methods and materials needed to design, analyze, and fabricate almost anything.

Posted Mar 02, 2015 by Andres Gonzalez on Rhino News, etc.