How we find the count of inputs and outputs of component
print "number of inputs: " + str(ghenv.Component.Params.Input.Count)
inputs = "input names: "
for input in ghenv.Component.Params.Input:
inputs += input.Name + ", "
print inputs
print "number of outputs: " + str(ghenv.Component.Params.Output.Count)
outputs = "output names: "
for output in ghenv.Component.Params.Output:
outputs += output.Name + ", "
print outputs
ComponentParameters.gh (13.4 KB)
Thank you, work fine except the components which don’t have input like Button or other components like panel, curve …
i need to find a way to separate them
You can figure out what members are there for an object by using dir(obj)
. Use that to see “inside” them. You could also use it to check during runtime.
You can also check if an object is a component like this:
import Grasshopper as gh
objects = ghenv.Component.OnPingDocument().Objects
name = []
input = []
output = []
for obj in objects:
if gh.Kernel.IGH_Component in list(type(obj).__bases__):
ComponentParameters.gh (16.0 KB)
Thanks i will try that
Thank you i will try it
Work fine but don’t find all inputs and outputs
Maybe suggestion of @nathanletwory will separate them all and find different cases
This is the definition if someone want add more features like input/output names; wires, different input/output cases …
component in rhino.gh (17.5 KB)
These input params implement Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Param. The following works:
import Grasshopper as gh
import GhPython
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
ghObjects = ghenv.Component.OnPingDocument().Objects
points = []
bndsPt = []
bndsH = []
bndsW = []
names = []
name = []
input = []
output = []
for obj in ghObjects:
pivotX = obj.Attributes.Pivot.X
pivotY = obj.Attributes.Pivot.Y
pvt = rs.CreatePoint(pivotX,-pivotY)
bndX = obj.Attributes.Bounds.X
bndY = obj.Attributes.Bounds.Y
bndPt = rs.CreatePoint(bndX,-bndY)
bndW = obj.Attributes.Bounds.Width
bndH = obj.Attributes.Bounds.Height
name = obj.NickName
if gh.Kernel.IGH_Component in list(type(obj).__bases__):
elif gh.Kernel.IGH_Param in list(type(obj).__bases__):
Pivots = points
Corners = bndsPt
X = bndsW
Y = bndsH
names = names
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import Grasshopper as gh
objects = ghenv.Component.OnPingDocument().Objects;
names = []
grips = []
bounds = []
plane = rg.Plane.WorldXY
for obj in objects:
bound = obj.Attributes.Bounds
plane.Origin = rg.Point3d(bound.X, -bound.Y, 0)
bounds.append(rg.Rectangle3d(plane, rg.Interval(0, bound.Width), rg.Interval(0, -bound.Height)))
if gh.Kernel.IGH_Component in list(type(obj).__bases__):
for input in obj.Params.Input:
grip = input.Attributes.Pivot
grips.append(rg.Circle(rg.Point3d(bound.X, -grip.Y, 0),2.0))
for output in obj.Params.Output:
grip = output.Attributes.Pivot
grips.append(rg.Circle(rg.Point3d(bound.X+bound.Width, -grip.Y, 0),2.0))
if obj.Attributes.HasInputGrip:
grip = obj.Attributes.InputGrip
grips.append(rg.Circle(rg.Point3d(grip.X, -grip.Y, 0),2.0))
if obj.Attributes.HasOutputGrip:
grip = obj.Attributes.OutputGrip
grips.append(rg.Circle(rg.Point3d(grip.X, -grip.Y, 0),2.0))
ComponentParameters.gh (16.6 KB)
Thank you @nathanletwory , Thank you @Mahdiyar
I will check the files
Is there a way to find the exact coordinates of grips targets?
Method used by @Mahdiyar give Bounds or Pivots but the points are not above output points;
i tried to separate inputs/outputs and find closest point to the target but i stop here.
I think there is a simple way from input parameters
ComponentParameters (4).gh (26.8 KB)
I think this work
Is it possible to extract icons of components? I want use them as textures
I tried python component but the script don’t detect the inputs
Yeah, each IGH_DocumentObject has an Icon property which returns a 24x24 pixel System.Drawing.Bitmap. Or it might return null in some cases, so check for that.