Hi everyone
I want to import the layer information into the script. I did something like attached. But I need the number of objects in the layer. How can I achieve this?
Does it have to be a script or would you be able to use a plugin such as Elefront?
I’m a novice. I’m open to trying any path to a solution. I use Elefront a little.
elefront_number_of_objects_on_layer.gh (15.8 KB)
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That’s great. Thank you so much.
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Continuing with Python, you could maybe do something like this:
import Rhino
import scriptcontext as sc
import System.Guid, System.Drawing.Color
a = []
def SelLayer():
sc.doc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc
layernames = sc.doc.Layers
for i in layernames:
rhobjs = sc.doc.Objects.FindByLayer(i)
sc.doc = ghdoc
This is based on the RhinoCommon example given here:
(Layer.Name Property)