Import shp file not working on new laptop, R5, GH 0.9.0076

  1. Error while parsing tl_2019_us_coastline: The ‘Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0’ provider is not registered on the local machine.

Is this a local IT issue or a GH function file that is missing in the recent install?

Appears that this microsoft install is needed to be off to the races!
Be sure to select the x64 version when presented with 2 options after “download”.

For the Record: downloading the 64 bit to my peronal workstation with 64 bit Rhino and 64 bit office worked perfectly.

However, workstation is 64 bit rhino and 32 bit office products, and the linked file does not work.

THe only work around I have found is to load rhino3d version 5 or 6 in 32 bit, and it’ll work with the linked 32 bit (default) Microsoft access file.

Not sure if a cross-platform fix is a mcneel or Microsoft issue.