Import / Export Plugin distribution

I can not figure out how to distribute import/export plugin in the same *.rhi package. It seems there could be only one *.rhp file in *.rhi. Maybe yak supports that?

To install several different plug-ins in one go you’ll need to roll your own installer

Well, it only works on Windows and not playing together with the package manager. In this context, it seems reasonable to keep import and export plugins separate.

For .rhi you’ll need to, as @farouk.serragedine says, create your own installer.

With Yak you can package as many plugins and grasshopper plugins as you like;
Docs here

– cs

Hi @raul,

The RHI installer is obsolete.

If you don’t want to write your own installer, use the Package Manager. It’s packages support the installation of multiple plug-ins.

– Dale

Hi @dale
Now that I have the plugin (GeoJSON import/export) up and running how do I collect user feedback? Previously when I had a plugin in food4Rhino there was a comment section.