It keeps saying “Split failed, objects may not intersect or intersections may not split object.” What can I do to fix this? File is below, any help would be appreciated!
Canopy and Wishbone.3dm (949.3 KB)
It keeps saying “Split failed, objects may not intersect or intersections may not split object.” What can I do to fix this? File is below, any help would be appreciated!
Canopy and Wishbone.3dm (949.3 KB)
Hello - this is Rhino’s intersector not getting the full curves of intersection - Run Intersect
on the bigger flat surfaces and one of the vertical elements to see what I mean.
You can InsertKnot
in U on the flattish surfaces with the Automatic option a couple of times to ‘densify’ it a bit and the intersector likes that better. Thanks for the example.
Hi Pascal, thanks for the quick response. I ran Intersect and I can see that the curves aren’t complete, I also ran InsertKnot, or at least I believe I ran it. Not sure how it works, but after a couple times of doing it I still kept getting the same failed message.
OK, I’ll take a closer look - I kind of looked ‘on the run’ earlier and found that one thing but there may be more.
@ramarz23 - try this:
from the two half-ellipses.
DupEdge the three edges that make the shape:
Loft, with ‘Straight sections’ the three curves:
Use that to trim.
How did you make your surfaces? Can you post the curves that made them?
@pascal I actually ended up deleting those 2 separate surfaces, making one big oval, rebuilt it with more points. Turned the points on and then manipulated it into the “dome” shape. This gave me a cleaner surface and was actually able to cut through the shapes. But now reading your solution I tried it that way as well and voila it worked great too! Thank you so much!!!