Illustrating Dynamics and Probability
ICERM (The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics)
November 11-15
Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island
This workshop will focus on the theoretical insights developed via illustration, visualization, and computational experimentation in dynamical systems and probability theory.
Topics from complex dynamics:
- Dynamical moduli spaces and their dynamically-defined subvarieties
- Degenerations of dynamical systems as one moves toward the boundary of moduli space
- The structure of algebraic data coming from a family of dynamical systems
Topics from classical dynamical systems:
- Flows on hyperbolic spaces and Lorentz attractors
- Simple physical systems like billiards in two and three-dimensional domains
- Flows on moduli spaces
In probability theory, the workshop features random walks and continuous-time random processes like Brownian motion, SLE, and scaling limits of discrete systems.
See details, speaker lineup, more events…
Image credit: Alexander E. Holroyd
Picture based on research by Christopher Hoffman, Alexander Holroyd, and Yuval Peres
Posted Jul 11, 2019 by Sandy McNeel on Rhino News, etc.