I get license problem when try open RhinoWip Mac

I just upgrade new Mac and when I try open RhinoWip I get this error?
Rhino 7 Mac is working just “normal” …

How to fix this problem?

I have use Rhino3D from the beginning, at least from year -97.

I’d do a quick uninstall/ reinstall especially if v7 is running normally.

This looks like maybe Rhino’s request for your Internet Browser to check for a license is failing.

If it were me, I’d try rebooting the Mac.

Any luck?

I have the same problem. It still shows up after rebooting the mac. (I’m working on a macbook m1 pro)

Thank you for your help.
I did remove Rhino Wip, reboot the Mac, and reinstall wip again.
No luck, the same problem continues.

No luck, same problem continues. I did reinstall and reboot several times.

I’m not getting any help internally on this.
My last “Hail Mary Pass” option to suggest is deleting your PLIST.


@markku_seppala just as a test can you set both language and region for OS to english and US instead of to Finnish and Finland? Then please try again.

Thanks for your help Kyle, John and Nathan

changing the language settings to english and the region to US helped.
It still works when I changed the settings back to Finnish and Finland.

  • Markku

Thanks for double-checking! I had an inkling this might have been related. The other week I had trouble logging as well. Different error message, but related to the same part. I had my region set to Finland (and set it back once that particular bug was fixed) as well.

This should be fixed in the upcoming RhinoWIP :crossed_fingers:

RH-72026 is fixed in the latest WIP