I’m trying to boolean difference the red solid from the faceted torus and I’m having no luck…
I have tried moving the two bits of geometry with respect to each other in case there is a problem with edges lining up exactly.
torus-boolean-fail.3dm (18.7 MB)
The red solid can cut other geometry.
It is pot luck but I can cut spheres and the like from the torus so it’s not so broken that nothing cuts it.
I get told that the boolean operation fails but don’t see the little dots that indicate problematic parts.
I have tried in Rhino 7 and 8.
Problem is your faceted polysurface object has edges that are way out of tolerance and so Rhino can’t find a complete intersection with it and the red object (run Intersect to see 3 curves with small gaps).
If you explode that object and rebuild edges then try to re-join, the individual rings won’t join to each other - you get 40 separate polysurfaces. You can see the overlaps (double lines) caused by the out of tolerance edges below:
I don’t know how that object was made, but it needs to be remade with closer tolerances.
Thanks I was able to rebuild it and boolean it.