How to simplify Tree Branch Connection Nodes


I learned a bit about Trees, Branches etc. and I’m Currently Manualy Connecting basically every indicies with the right one with an List Item Node, problem is If I continue like that I need
to connect almost 300 Node Paths, like this … …

So do I need to make every path seperate or is there a way that I can reduce the Node Number?

As an Explanation: I want to recreate basically this Lamp for an architecture class to learn Grasshopper

and I’m basically trying to get a setup of the paths for the connecting Parts from this angle, so that i can repeat the Note Setup on a Diffrent Pentagon (28.5 KB)

Thanks in Advance!

Check out my reply on this thread: Continuous weave pattern with multiple layers - #3 by michaelkreft

Think about the shape in blue on the linked thread. The way I thought about it was to create 1 arm of the shape, polar array it 5 times, then use the dihedral angle of the underlying icosahedron to rotate the shape into the next position, then polar array another 5 times which gives you the top hemisphere of the shape. Mirror and rotate and you have the completed shape.

You might be able to more simply orient the starfish shape (in blue on the thread I linked) to each pentagon.

From there you can remesh it and use dendro to thicken.

Hope that helps

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Hi Micheal,

I was able to Work with your Information! :smiley:
So Thanks for that, but I´m still a tiny weni confused on some parts haha

I looked into the Thread that you posted and I found it interesting how you created it, do I see it right, that some parts connect in the middle and some parts connect back to a diffrent Pentagon?
And did you create the shape with an line basis or did you create it instantly with Surfaces?
For me it looks like you had a similar line Setup like I do (kinda besides the positioning of the start) and then you duplicated the Curves to the edges to create the surfaces?

Also The Webiste that you linked Seems really interesting, but I have No idea how to utilize the Code that is posted, is there some kind of Explanation on this website on how to use it and I missed it?

With the Code itself I could recreate the methode untill the dihedral angle step, I tried to use Some Nodes to duplicate the Information, but the results where all not right … (28.9 KB)

I used an icosahedron as the base shape. The pentagons are on the verticies of the icosahedron and the triangles are at the center of each face. I then created three lines using Blend Curve shown in the image below, which can then be lofted to create a surface.

Then I polar arrayed the surface, and oriented it to complete the shape as describe above



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First of all, Thank you very much!
I basically understood the princaples completly because of you!
So again, thank you very much!

I needed to take a break from this assignment because of personals problems, but i`m back again!

I Managed to recreate everything that you mentiond

, besides well … the arm part, I asked arround here and there and i got basically this result.

However, I have no Idea how you creates this so seemingly perfect form, I tried the Blend Curve component and the Blend Curve Pt comonents, but I can for the love of god not figure out how you did it, the best result that I got was that …

So, If you have some advices for me I would really aprreciate it!
Ikosader Triangle (36.1 KB)

Hi Klaus

You’re getting there, by now you understand how to take 1 arm and create the overall shape!

I see you were asking about the arm shape in this thread, with an answer being use a bezier span. I used the blend curve component, but it works similarly.

I see you are trying to replicate the arm shape by lofting two curves. In my earlier reply you can see I used three lines.

The lines in green are what feed into the A and B of the blendcrv component. In the image you can see there are three different blends. The green lines are effectively the start and end tangent that the bezier span has. Currently they are perpendicular to one edge of the pentagon and triangle. This can be adjusted later to create some interesting forms.

The middle line is at the center of the pentagon and triangle. By doing it this you get a nice intersection when you array the shape around which eliminates the need to create a boundary surface for the pentagon and triangle. Therefore you can achieve a much more seamless blend when you array the arm around.