How to set the test from a LinearDimension Horizontal to view

How to set the test from a LinearDimension Horizontal to view

by hand it work with the Dim Style Overrides

Text Aligment and Horizintal to view,

but how I can du it automatily by c#

I can change the text but how I can changed the aligment

LinearDimension dim = new LinearDimension(dim_plane, p_1, p_2, p_3);

        dim.Text = text;
        Guid id;
        id = doc.Objects.AddLinearDimension(dim);

Thanks Robert

As far as I can tell, this isn’t something you can do from RhinoCommon yet.

If you are curious how to do this in C++, see the following example:

I’ve added a wish list item to implement this in RhinoCommon.

Hi Dale,

this C++ help me very much.

so I creat new DimStyle…

 public static void creat_dim_style_horizontal_text(RhinoDoc doc)
        //add all dim style

        double scale;
        scale = sheet_info._factor;
        string dimstyle_name;

        dimstyle_name = "RH_" + scale.ToString() + "_horizontal";

        Rhino.DocObjects.DimensionStyle dimstyle = doc.DimStyles.Find(dimstyle_name, true);
        if (null != dimstyle)
            //Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(string.Format("Dimstyle \"{0}\" found.", dimstyle_name));
            doc.DimStyles.SetCurrentDimensionStyleIndex(dimstyle.Index, false);
            int dimstyle_index = doc.DimStyles.Add(dimstyle_name);
            if (dimstyle_index >= 0)
                dimstyle = doc.DimStyles[dimstyle_index];
                if (null != dimstyle)
                    dimstyle.ArrowLength = 18 * scale;
                    dimstyle.TextHeight = 18 * scale;
                    dimstyle.TextGap = 6.8 * scale;
                    dimstyle.ExtensionLineOffset = 0;
                    dimstyle.ExtensionLineExtension = scale;
                    dimstyle.LengthFormat = 0;
                    dimstyle.LengthResolution = 0;
                    dimstyle.TextAlignment = Rhino.DocObjects.TextDisplayAlignment.Horizontal;

                    //Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(string.Format("Dimstyle \"{0}\" added.", dimstyle_name));
                    doc.DimStyles.SetCurrentDimensionStyleIndex(dimstyle.Index, false);
                Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(string.Format("Dimstyle \"{0}\" not added.", dimstyle_name));
                doc.DimStyles.SetCurrentDimensionStyleIndex(-1, false);
    // end dimstyle

and it woked

Thanks Robert

Just to clarify Robert’s solution, instead of overriding an existing dimension style, he just created a new one.

Hi Dale,

for me it was the easy way, but without you I think I can´t find this line.

dimstyle.TextAlignment = Rhino.DocObjects.TextDisplayAlignment.Horizontal;

Thanks Robert