How to replace character?

I don’t know how to replace all the list according to reference.
Plaese help! (7.9 KB)

Does it really matter if you are replacing items in the list vs. building the list you want?
See both white groups.

How_to_Replace_all_2021Jul14a2 (12.3 KB)

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Thank you so much.

I could solve my problem by using your technique!

My problem was tree version.
But before thinking of tree version, I tried list version.
I could’t solve both.

I learnt combining simple blocks!

Again, I don’t know why you would want to do it this way, but you could…

How_to_Replace_all_2021Jul15a (7.2 KB)

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Thanks Joseph.

This is similar to list.
I will use this much more.

Similar? Data tree branches ARE lists. I still think the Duplicate Data method makes more sense than Replace in this case, when replacing all, but it’s good to understand both.

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Maybe I will also think duplicate is more sensible than replace.
Because in this case, duplicate is much simple.

But now I’m new to gh, so how to treat tree and list is interesting.

Show an example of what you mean by list version

Attatched to my first post and Joseph already replied.

The attached file is tree

please look at a little right

2021年7月17日(土) 14:57 Seghier khaled via McNeel Forum <>:

I ask because you have the answer, what you need more? what you mean by
I could’t solve both.
If you want more help explain clearly, if you don’t need more help mark it as solved.

I’m sorry Seghier I’m new to this forum, so I didn’t know check solution.
I just checked it.