How to open Python3 component with a clean canvas in GH?


I am starting to use Python3 in Grasshopper. I would like to know if there is a way to open the Python3 component’s script editor in grasshopper without any syntax as introduction or something else, just to eliminate the need to erase every time the introduction syntax to start my new code.

Thanks in advance.

I don’t know if there’s a dedicated setting somewhere, maybe yes :slight_smile: in the meanwhile you can drop a Python3 component on the GH canvas, open it, delete the content, play it for saving, close the code window
with the component selected, from GH menu choose File → Create user object and give it a name

every time you search for that name, the empty Python3 component will come up:

Hi @inno.

Works like a charm (pretty simple and very useful). I wonder if there is a dedicated setting, as you said, but this process is great for me for now. Thanks you very much.

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No, this is the McNeel proposed way of handling this: