How to Make This a Single Span Surface?

This lofted surface is:

U: degree = 3, CV count = 7
V: degree = 3, CV count = 12

Can anyone suggest how to build this as single span surface, while maintaining the exact dimensions?

Thank you for any suggestions.

need single span.3dm (773.8 KB)

Can I ask why you need a single span surface?

Not possible without changing the shape due to how NURBS math works.

Single span because it is has fewer points and is much cleaner “downstream”.

But, it doesn’t need to be just a one surface surface.

Let me know if you have a better way to build it.

Not always.

You can turn your current multispan surface with 84 control points into a set of 36 single span surfaces with 576 control points. The shape will be exactly the same. ConvertToBezier I do not recommend this though.

What are you going to do with the this surface?
How accurately does the surface need to match the curves?
How smooth does the surface need to be? For example does it need to have curvature continuity?

If the surface has to exactly match the curves and have curvature continuity then the surface you have is the simplest surface possible. Because the input curves are multispan degree 3 curves then the surface needs to be multispan degree 3 in the direction of the curves to exactly match the curves. Degree 3 multispan in the other direction is the simplest for curvature continuity in that direction.

I mean if you could accurately capture that as a single 4X4 degree 3 surface, great, but if what you’ve got accurately reflects your “design intent” I frankly think unless your job involves making models for stamping molds using software that is not Rhino for a tiny number of clients in one industry–and even at that I’d bet it’s just what they do because it’s what they do–the desire to make everything out of single-span surfaces is a bit of…well lol I can’t say it’s rude. I mean I know how multi-span surfaces can get a bit wonky depending on how you get there, but for 99% of real-world applications it doesn’t mater a lick.