How to hide tool bar in C#

Anyone know the functions in C# like below.
C++ Function:
RhinoApp().HideControlBars( RhinoApp().HCB_OSNAP_BAR, 0 );

Do you want to hide a toolbar or a dockbar?

I want to hide a toolbar and a dockbar in C#.
Is it possible ?

The two functions you mention are not exposed in RhinoCommon. That said, there should be ways to close all docking bars and toolbars.

For example, most of the dock bars are displayed by command, and these commands have scriptable options to show or hide the dock bar.

Also, RhinoCommon can open and close toolbar. See Rhino.UI for ToolbarCollection, ToolbarGroup, Toolbar, etc.

you can include Rhino_DotNet.dll and use RMA.Rhino.RhUtil.RhinoApp().HideToolBars();

If I do that when on plugin load it seems that have no effect? May be when plugin is loaded, toolbars are not?

Solution here: Minimalist skin